App and Web Accessibility - Design and Development Services

Accessible products are lovable products. We help you create accessible apps and websites.

Building accessible apps, websites, and digital products isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do — for your customers and your business.

ArcTouch helps companies create lovable apps and websites to reach the widest possible audience, including users with disabilities.

If you're looking for a partner to help build a new digital product or want to improve the accessibility of an existing one, we can help.

Why should your product be accessible?

Reach more people: An estimated 1.3 billion people live with some form of significant disability, and the global disability market influences over $13 trillion in annual disposable income.

Better user experience: Accessible design benefits everyone. An app or website that’s easy to use for people with disabilities offers a better experience to all users.

Improve compliance and reduce legal risk: Accessibility legislation and associated case precedents rapidly evolve. These include the ADASection 504Section 508HB21-1110, the California Unruh Act, the AODAACAEN 301 549, and the European Accessibility Act, among many others. Meanwhile, costly lawsuits and enforcement actions impact companies that don’t prioritize accessibility in their apps and websites.

Boost your brand: Showcasing a commitment to inclusivity makes brands stand out. Consumers increasingly prefer to buy from socially responsible companies. Additionally, disabled users and their friends and family are often vocal about brands that serve them well (and those that don’t).

Our accessibility services and expertise

Accessibility embedded into every step of the process

Accessibility tools and training for all team members

Accessible design and development best practices

Accessibility enablement

Accessibility embedded into every step of the process

Accessibility tools and training for all team members

Accessible design and development best practices

Accessibility testing

Automated and manual tests

User testing with disabled people

Accessibility audit and verification

Third-party WCAG 2.2 AA conformance assessment

Flexible options for working together

We provide the whole team

We can provide a complete project team and lead your idea from concept through launch.

We join your existing team

One or more of our experts can join an existing project team to augment your capabilities.

Still curious?

Check out our FAQ. Find answers to any lingering questions here.

Aren’t people with disabilities a small minority of an app’s users?

The CDC estimates that nearly 25% of people in the U.S. have some form of disability, including age-related disabilities like low vision or less severe mobility issues. Globally, there are 1.3 billion people with disabilities, according to WHO, representing the largest under-served minority group in the world.

What if people with disabilities aren’t our target market?

The person buying or downloading your app may not be the same as the person using it. Parents and caregivers may purchase or download an app on behalf of loved ones with physical, mental, and age-related disabilities. Additionally, some disabilities are not obvious and extremely common (such as color blindness or dyslexia), which means it’s likely that many users in your target market would benefit from a more accessible product. Additionally, the number of people who benefit from accessibility is far greater than the population of people with significant disabilities. Finally, your users today may have disabilities in the future — and accessibility ensures you retain them as their needs change.

Does it cost more to make my app or website accessible?

It does require a bit more time upfront to design and develop accessible digital products. But, the benefits outweigh the costs. Accessible products reach more users, offer a better user experience for all users, and help companies avoid costly lawsuits or enforcement actions from regulatory organizations.

Will designing an accessible product constrain the user interface?

No. In fact, our team has shown that you can design accessible apps that are also beautiful apps. We have designed interfaces that are both lovable and accessible for clients like McCormick, Common Sense Media, and Magellan Rx.

Can I check for accessibility using automated tools and scanners?

That’s a good place to start — and ArcTouch can help with that. However, only 20-30% of accessibility issues can be discovered by automated tools. Most issues require manual testing and human interpretation.

Why is digital accessibility so important now?

Digital technology is relied upon by the majority of our global population — which makes accessibility more important than ever. We shouldn’t deny anyone the benefits of the tools and products we build — including those with physical and mental disabilities.

Our accessibility experts can help get your company on the path to delivering accessible products.

“ArcTouch’s commitment to building accessible software aligns perfectly with our values. They’ve been a tremendous partner and created an app that provides an inclusive and enjoyable experience for everyone.”

Ellen Pack, Common Sense Media President

Ready to create lovable accessible products?

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Let's build something lovable. Together.

We help companies of all sizes build lovable apps, websites, and connected experiences.