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Create on the fly using the HP Sprocket app

Working side by side with HP, ArcTouch engineers helped architect this popular social media photo sharing app — which powers HP's best-selling Sprocket line of portable printers. Leveraging ZINK® Zero Ink® thermal printing technology and Bluetooth connectivity, this printing experience is a one-of-a-kind.

  • Connect and print

    The app connects to your favorite social media accounts -- and you can print photos instantly, with ease.

  • You be you

    Add text, borders, emojis, and more —take photos and make them your own. Because only you know how to be you.

  • Anytime, anywhere

    Where you're an iPhone or Android person, with the HP Sprocket app you can print anytime, anywhere — from your couch or your latest adventure.


HP, the leading manufacturer of consumer printers, needed help staying on course and on schedule with a cross-platform app that would power exciting new lineup of portable printers.


ArcTouch IoT app developers designed and developed iOS and Android apps to work with the Bluetooth-connected printers.


The Sprocket line gave HP a big boost in what had become a stagnant printing market. And the app and product line quickly became a consumer favorite, consistently earning 4+ star ratings on Amazon.