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How to use Azure Custom Vision and add AI to your .NET MAUI app

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help developers create unique user experiences by analyzing and predicting outcomes from large data sources. However, for many developers, learning the basic data science skills needed to apply AI and machine learning to custom applications is challenging. Fortunately, Microsoft offers Azure Cognitive Services. It provides ready-made AI services to build intelligent apps. Azure Custom Vision, one of the services, makes it easy to work with image classification, a common use-case in AI applications.

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to use Azure Custom Vision with .NET MAUI to add machine learning to a mobile app.

What is Custom Vision?

Custom Vision uses AI to analyze an image and apply labels according to the visual characteristics. Each label represents a classification. Azure Custom Vision makes it easy for developers to create a custom image classification model and train the AI to use it.

Here are a few ways that image classification could be used in mobile apps:

One example: The Flavor Maker app, which ArcTouch built with McCormick, uses image classification to help customers create a digital spice rack as they scan bottles with their phones.

Step-by-step: How to use Azure Custom Vision

Let’s build a project using Azure Custom Vision and .NET MAUI. In this example, we’ll create an app for a zoo that provides information about the animals as visitors take pictures of them. The first part covers how to create and train a new Custom Vision model, and the second part integrates this model into a .NET MAUI app via the API.

1. Create a new Azure Custom Vision project

Azure Custom Vision makes it easy to create and train machine learning models. First, navigate to the Custom Vision portal and sign in. If you don’t have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

To use the Custom Vision Service, we need to create both Training and Prediction resources, which could be done inside the Create new project dialog box.

Create a new Azure Custom Vision project

Enter a name and a description for the project. Then select a Resource Group or create a new one. Choose Multiclass for Classification Types, so we will have one tag per image.

Select a domain. Each domain optimizes the model for specific types of images, as follows:

Finally, select Create project.

2. Add images to the Custom Vision project

For this example, we will use images of big cats, like lions, tigers, and jaguars. We’ll upload and tag images to help train the classifier. To train your model effectively, use images with visual variety. Note that the Custom Vision API supports images up to 4 MB.

Select the Add images button.

Add images to a Azure Custom Vision model


Next, upload the images by groups. For example, upload all lions and in the My Tags label add the tag “lion” to apply to this entire group. Repeat this process again for the tigers and again for the jaguars. This helps the model understand what each type of big cat looks like.
If you make a mistake, you can go through and change the tags for individual images. You can also use negative tags to filter content not related to any other tags, such as other animals like cats, foxes, birds, etc.

Tag images of lions in the Azure Custom Vision model

Select Done to complete. To upload another set of images, repeat the steps above.

3. Train your Custom Vision ML model

Choose Train to review all the images uploaded to create a model that identifies the visual qualities of each tag. This process should take a few minutes. Information about the training process is displayed in the Performance tab. You can keep uploading images and re-train the model to create different iterations.

Once the training is complete, the model’s performance is estimated and displayed. The Custom Vision service uses the images uploaded for training to calculate precision and recall metrics.

We can test the model using Quick Test to submit an image or URL. In this example, you can see that the model correctly identifies a jaguar with over 99% probability.

Testing the Azure Custom Vision model


4. Publish the model to the Custom Vision API

Now we publish the AI model so the .NET MAUI app can access it via the Custom Vision API. Click Publish on the Performance tab, enter a name for this model iteration, and choose the Prediction resource we created earlier.

Publish the Azure Custom Vision model

You can also export the model for offline use in your application. It’s possible to export the model to CoreML, TensorFlow, or ONNX. These models can be loaded into iOS, Android, or UWP respectively.

5. Create the .NET MAUI app

Now it’s time to create the .NET MAUI app to use the custom vision model. The following information applies to both .NET MAUI and Xamarin.Forms projects. This is a simple app that allows choosing a picture from the gallery or taking a new photo and sending it to the Custom Vision API for identification.

Add libraries

Once you’ve created a new project, install this NuGet package to work with Custom Vision.

We need to work with the camera, so also add Media Picker for MAUI or Xam Plugin for Xamarin.Forms. The implementation is pretty similar for both plugins. You may also want to use some helpful tools from Community Toolkits (XCT and/or MVVM).

Create a static class

Start by creating a static class ApiKeys. This will have variables for our resources key and endpoint. You can find this information on the Azure portal resources and in Custom Vision project settings. The PublishedName is the same name we gave to our model when publishing the iteration.

public static class ApiKeys
  public static string CustomVisionEndPoint => "";
  public static string PredictionKey => "";
  public static string ProjectId => "";
  public static string PublishedName => "BigCats";

In this small sample, use the MVVM pattern. Add a few controls to MainPage.xaml (such as labels, images, and buttons) and make the bindings through MainPageViewModel.cs.

  <VerticalStackLayout Spacing="25" 
    <Frame BackgroundColor="#512BD4"
      <Label Text="Big Cats!"
             HorizontalOptions="Center" />

    <Image Source="{Binding Photo}"
           WidthRequest="350" />

    <ActivityIndicator IsRunning="{Binding IsRunning}" />

    <Label Text="{Binding OutputLabel}"
           HorizontalOptions="Fill" />

    <HorizontalStackLayout Spacing="50"
      <Button Command="{Binding PickPhotoCommand}"
              Text="Pick a picture" />

      <Button Command="{Binding TakePhotoCommand}"
              Text="Take a picture" />


In the MainPageViewModel.cs set the commands for PickPhotoCommand and TakePhotoCommand, and also update the values for Photo and OutputLabel. Use the ProcessPhotoAsync method to get the information from the button click and set the camera plugin correctly. Use the ClassifyImage method to call the Custom Vision API and display the results on the screen — the type of big cat.

private const int ImageMaxSizeBytes = 4194304;
private const int ImageMaxResolution = 1024;

public MainPageViewModel()
  PickPhotoCommand = new AsyncRelayCommand(ExecutePickPhoto);
  TakePhotoCommand = new AsyncRelayCommand(ExecuteTakePhoto);


public ICommand PickPhotoCommand { get; }

public ICommand TakePhotoCommand { get; }

private Task ExecutePickPhoto() => ProcessPhotoAsync(false);

private Task ExecuteTakePhoto() => ProcessPhotoAsync(true);

private async Task ProcessPhotoAsync(bool useCamera)
  var photo = useCamera
    ? await MediaPicker.Default.CapturePhotoAsync()
    : await MediaPicker.Default.PickPhotoAsync();

  if (photo is { })
    // Resize to allowed size - 4MB
    var resizedPhoto = await ResizePhotoStream(photo);

    // Custom Vision API call
    var result = await ClassifyImage(new MemoryStream(resizedPhoto));

    // Change the percentage notation from 0.9 to display 90.0%
    var percent = result.Probability.ToString("P1");

    Photo = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(resizedPhoto));

    OutputLabel = result.TagName.Equals("Negative") 
      ? "This is not a big cat."
      : $"It looks {percent} a {result.TagName}.";

A quick note about the ResizePhotoStream method: It is required for the MAUI sample because the Media Picker plugin does not yet offer any settings to resize the image file. Remember that the Custom Vision Prediction API supports files up to 4 MB.

private async Task<byte[]> ResizePhotoStream(FileResult photo)
  byte[] result = null;

  using (var stream = await photo.OpenReadAsync())
    if (stream.Length > ImageMaxSizeBytes)
      var image = PlatformImage.FromStream(stream);
      if (image != null)
        var newImage = image.Downsize(ImageMaxResolution, true);
        result = newImage.AsBytes();
      using (var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(stream))
        result = binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)stream.Length);

  return result;

The ClassifyImage is an async method that we’re using to create our endpoint via CustomVisionPredictionClient class. Note the ApiKeys static class usage there. We can send photos as a stream to the Custom Vision Service and get the model prediction results, ordering them by highest probability and returning the first one, which will be displayed on the screen.

private async Task<PredictionModel> ClassifyImage (Stream photoStream)
    IsRunning = true;

    var endpoint = new CustomVisionPredictionClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(ApiKeys.PredictionKey))
      Endpoint = ApiKeys.CustomVisionEndPoint

    // Send image to the Custom Vision API
    var results = await endpoint.ClassifyImageAsync(Guid.Parse(ApiKeys.ProjectId), ApiKeys.PublishedName, photoStream);

    // Return the most likely prediction
    return results.Predictions?.OrderByDescending(x => x.Probability).FirstOrDefault();
  catch (Exception ex)
    return new PredictionModel();
    IsRunning = false;

Here’s the sample .NET MAUI app working with Azure Custom Vision:

YouTube video player

Want to learn more about Azure Custom Vision?

Azure Cognitive Services makes it easy to leverage AI and machine learning in your apps. Azure Custom Vision simplifies image classification for developers and helps them to customize a new model in a few steps and integrate it with an app via REST API. Check out Microsoft’s Custom Vision services documentation to learn more.

If you’d like to discuss how to apply machine learning to your .NET MAUI or Xamarin.Forms app, contact us to set up a free consultation with our app experts.

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