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App Developers for Hire

App developers for hire and app designers for hire span from individuals, hobbyists and students with limited experience all the way to trusted professional app development companies like ArcTouch, with experienced mobile app developers who have successfully designed and developed over 350 app projects. We have a proven track record to handle anything, including mobile strategy, visual design, mobile app development and testing, deployment and follow on maintenance.


Do any Internet search for “best app development company for hire” or “best app developers for hire” or “hire mobile app developers” and you’ll discover hundreds of search results and dozens of “paid advertisements” for application developers and app development companies. You can also search on craigslist where you’ll find individuals, students and hobbyists with limited experience, or you can post projects onto eLance to find offshore firms who offer cut rate per hour prices.

These firms may seem like the ideal option, but you’ll find that you need two or three times the number of people to get the project completed (eliminating any cost savings). You’ll also need to create explicit specifications for them to follow and be in constant communication with them (often via Skype or equivalent at midnight while they work), or be prepared for a real discrepancy between what you wanted in your app, and what you actually get from them.

ArcTouch has taken over many “distressed projects” that have gone awry from inexperienced developers who have incorrectly built the app, under estimated the time or cost to do it right, or have simply stopped work and are holding the code in as “ransom” until the client pays more money.


You will encounter a wide variety of rates and prices from app developers for hire. When hiring an app development company, don’t be tempted by price alone – it’s become clear that app development is one area where you do get what you pay for. Beware of a low-ball estimate for the whole project or the daily rate of the project team. You should ask any application development company questions like these:










The answers to these questions will vary considerably from vendor to vendor, and many app development companies will not be able to answer them.

We’ll answer any question from the list above.

We provide full transparency into our company, our processes, our estimates, and our app design, development and testing methods. When you hire ArcTouch as your app development company, you’ll have a dedicated product manager who handles the whole process for you, and a team of mobile app designers and app development experts with the collective experience of having completed over 350 app projects. We sweat the details so you don’t have to. Your app is delivered exactly as you want it.

Contact us for a free project estimate now.

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