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Advertising In Your Apps

Using Advertising In Free Applications

Advertising is a great way to create both direct revenue for your mobile application and indirect revenue for complementary products and services in your business.

Direct mobile advertising revenue comes from banner ads embedded in your app and served up from mobile ad networks. When a user of your app taps on one of these ads, you’re paid. Simple. How much can you make? According to AdWhirl, a mobile advertising network, the top 100 free apps in the iTunes store make between $400 – $5000 a day.

Indirect mobile advertising revenue comes from sponsorship and direct response actions included in your app. For example, a food manufacturer could make a free recipe or shopping list app that features specific brands of food and also include coupons that are redeemed in store. Revenue is made indirectly by reinforcing the brand and encouraging purchase.

So, when planning your app, consider whether direct or indirect in-app advertising is right for you. ArcTouch can help you make that decision and we can typically enable advertising in apps in just a single day.

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