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Good Bot, Bad Bot

What brands and businesses need to know before building chatbots and Alexa skills

What you'll learn

Why have bots become the media darlings of the tech industry? In a word: reach. Messaging platforms and voice assistants have made it easy to reach millions of users — so easy that there are now a lot of bad bots that over-promise and under-deliver.

So, how do you build a good bot and not a bad one? It starts with an understanding. In this free ebook, learn how bots fit into the digital world and how brands and businesses can use them to connect with customers in new ways.

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  • Bot as a Brand Concierge

    Understand the role of the bot and how it can be used to complement other digital experiences like websites and mobile apps.

  • 10 Steps to Building a Great Bot

    Learn the key elements that make up a good bot, from solving a problem and defining a specific use case to how to promote your bot.

  • Understanding Bot Intelligence

    Different bots have different levels of intelligence. Get an overview of bot IQ and how it applies to today’s and tomorrow’s bot experiences.